New in Drupal 10.3

The Workspaces module allows Drupal sites to have multiple work environments, enabling site owners to stage multiple content changes to be published all at once. It has long been available in Drupal core as an experimental module. Following the module’s use in production sites, the remaining stable blocking issues have been resolved, so now it is available to all!

New experimental Navigation module

The recently announced Starshot Initiative will rely heavily on recipes to provide composable features.
The Navigation module allows multiple types of customization, like adding new custom menus or changing the default Drupal logo provided. It also uses the Layout Builder module, so that site builders can easily add or reorder these menu blocks.
Drupal recipes allow the automation of Drupal module installation and configuration. Drupal recipes are easy to share, and can be composed from other Drupal recipes. For example, Drupal 10.3 includes a Standard recipe providing the same functionality as the Standard install profile. It is a combination of 16 component recipes that can be reused in other recipes.
Daniel Veza (at PreviousNext) is a new co-maintainer of Layout Builder.

Stable Workspaces module

Cristina Chumillas (at Lullabot), Sally Young (also at Lullabot) and Théodore Biadala (at Très Bien Tech) were all promoted from provisional to full Drupal Core Frontend Framework Managers.
The new Access Policy API supports the implementation of access management solutions that go beyond permissions and user roles. Other conditions and contexts may be taken into account, like whether the user used two-factor authentication, or whether they reached a rate limit of an activity. Drupal’s existing permission- and role-based access control has been converted to the new API, and custom or contributed projects can add more access policies.

Stable Single-Directory Components

Menu item editing is now simplified. Advanced options are displayed in a sidebar to help content editors focus on what is most important for the menu item. Taxonomy terms also now have both a dedicated user interface to edit earlier revisions and content moderation support.

Simplified content organization

Variations of the new Navigation module's user interface

New Recipes and Default Content APIs

The Navigation module includes a new content creation and management menu, which allows quick access to content-related tasks to increase usability for content users.
If you are looking to make the leap from Drupal user to Drupal contributor, or you want to share resources with your team as part of their professional development, there are many opportunities to deepen your Drupal skill set and give back to the community. Check out the Drupal contributor guide, or join us at DrupalCon Barcelona and attend sessions, network, and enjoy mentorship for your first contributions.

Install profiles/distributions Recipes
Lock-in Not possible to uninstall (until Drupal 10.3) No lock-in
Inheritance Cannot extend other profiles or distributions Can be based on other recipes
Composability Cannot install multiple profiles or distributions Multiple recipes can be applied on the site and be the basis of another recipe

Alex Pott (at Acro Commerce and Thunder), Adam Globus-Hoenich (at Acquia) and Jim Birch (at Kanopi Studios) are the maintainers of the new Default Content and Recipes subsystems.
The added APIs include Configuration Actions, Configuration Checkpoints and Default Content.
Ivan Berdinsky (at Massive) became a co-maintainer of the Umami demo.
The new Navigation module provides a redesigned collapsible, vertical navigation sidebar for the administrative user interface. Sub-menus open on a full height drawer that can accommodate deeper navigation levels. On smaller viewports, the toolbar is placed on top of the content, and opens with an overlay.

More flexible access management with the new Access Policy API

Drupal 10.3 is the final feature release of Drupal 10. Drupal 11 is scheduled to be released the week of July 29th. With that, Drupal 10 goes into long-term support. While more minor releases will be made available of Drupal 10, they will not contain new features, only functionality backported to support security and a smoother upgrade to Drupal 11. Drupal 10’s future minor releases will be supported until mid- to late 2026, when Drupal 12 is released and Drupal 11 enters long-term support.

The future of Drupal 10

Animation of the Standard profile being uninstalled

Core maintainer team updates

Additionally, it is now possible to install Drupal without an install profile, or to uninstall an install profile after Drupal is already set up.
Andrei Mateescu (at Tag1 Consulting) is the maintainer of the newly stable Workspaces module.
Recipes provide similar functionality to install profiles but are more flexible. With install profiles only one can be installed on a site. With recipes, multiple recipes can be applied after each other.
The third and final feature release of Drupal 10 ships with a new experimental Navigation user interface, stable Workspaces functionality, stable Single-Directory Components support, simplified menu editing, taxonomy moderation support, new recipe and access policy APIs and more.
Workspaces are sets of content changes that are prepared and reviewed together. This is a differentiating feature for Drupal that is important for many large organizations’ websites. An organization might use Workspaces to ensure all relevant content goes live simultaneously for a new product launch, or with the outcomes of sporting or election events.
Single-Directory Components (SDCs) are Drupal core’s implementation of a user interface components system. Within SDC, all files necessary to render the user interface component are grouped together in a single directory. This includes Twig, YAML, and optional CSS and JavaScript. SDC support was added to Drupal core in 10.1 as an experimental module. The solution has been very well-received and is now part of the base system. No need to enable a module to use this feature.

Want to get involved?

Mateu Aguiló Bosch (at Lullabot) and Pierre Dureau are new co-maintainers of the Theme API, focusing on Single-Directory Components.

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