OPTASY employed a comprehensive strategy focused on performance optimization and user experience design to meet OISE’s needs.

Goals & Challenges

The project aimed to create a more engaging and accessible online presence for OISE, addressing specific needs for various user groups including students, professors, and administrative staff.

  1. Improving Load Times: The website needed to manage heavy content loads efficiently to enhance accessibility and user satisfaction.
  2. User Interface Design: A user-friendly interface was required to support a diverse range of user needs from academic information to leisure activities.
  3. Navigation Structure: The site’s architecture needed reorganization to allow users to find information quickly and intuitively.

Approach & Solutions

Describe the project (goals, requirements and outcome): 

  1. High-Performance Drupal Site: Developed a website that handles dense content efficiently, significantly reducing page load times.
  2. Intuitive Navigation: Revamped the navigation to ensure that information related to graduate programs, news, events, and support services is easily accessible.
  3. User-Friendly Layout: Designed a layout that is intuitive for all users, enhancing the overall interaction with the website.
  4. Advanced Content Management Tools: Enabled modules like Paragraphs and Block field to aid content editors in organizing and managing website content effectively.

Results & Key Achievements

  1. Enhanced User Experience: Users now enjoy a faster, more responsive website, which makes accessing educational resources and information simpler and more enjoyable.
  2. Improved Website Performance: The new Drupal site supports high traffic volumes and complex content interactions smoothly and reliably.
  3. Streamlined Content Management: Content editors at OISE can now update and structure content more efficiently, thanks to the intuitive tools implemented.

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