This project involved adherence to GOV.UK Design Standards, as well as genuine collaboration with the NCC team from day one. Our UX team then translated look and feel concepts from NCC into usable digital prototypes, ensuring adherence to LocalGov Drupal templates and modern digital standards.

Key goals for the council centred around:
  • Simplifying the end user experience, with clear content structure and navigation
  • Ensuring conformance to accessibility standards to promote usability for all
  • Ability to easily manage a fully bilingual website
  • Improved integration with necessary 3rd party services

Describe the project (goals, requirements and outcome): 
Adopting a staggered release approach to development ensured we were able to align with the priorities of NCC, and meet the ambitious timeline. This resulted in the implementation of a proxy pass to allow both the old NCC platform and new Drupal site to exist simultaneously, with content from the old platform filtered through to the new and users redirected to the appropriate pages accordingly. 

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